I thought I'd let everyone here the rest of the story about my pregnant jill
that I gave the modified live distemper vaccine to. Last week she started to
have a pus like discharge from her vagina. I started her on antibiotics to
clear it up. She delivered Tuesday morning about 2:00 am. (You're up later
than this many times when you're in vet school) She had 7 live and 2 dead.
She cleaned the kits but wouldn't nurse them. I took over the job but was
unsuccessful. I lost the last kit this morning. Apparently it is quite
common for a first time mom to neglect the litter. The mother had a red/maroon
discharge this morning so she is back in the clinic. I'll let you know what
we find out.
     I guess will never know if the distemper vaccine had any effect
on the kits. The poor little guys didn't have much of a chance between the
vaccine, the infection in their mom's vagina and possibly uterus, and not
being able to nurse. I have another jill due in 2 weeks. I hope it goes better
with her. It couldn't go worse.
        Jenny Au
[Posted in FML issue 0245]