Hey Chris, could you post this anon? Thanks!
Hi all! I'd like to ask again about ferret biting... why they do it, how to
handle it. Our 12-week-old kit Wednesday bites a lot, seeking out fingers and
toes in particular. Tapping her nose and saying No! seems to only make her more
enthused about it. I'm wondering if she's teething, or if it's well nigh time
to get her that second canine distemper shot (what is distemper, by the way?),
or if she simply likes to bite me. I'm also wondering how I convince the little
scamp that it isn't something I appreciate her doing.
[It won't be distemper causing this.  Distemper is a truly nasty disease,
100% fatal in ferrets, and progresses very quickly.]
Ideas anyone? Thanks!
Wednesday and co.
[Posted in FML issue 0242]