To bandit and his mom and dad.  My older brother AGE (a dog who is 15)
has had many illness during the last year.  My mom and dad spent nearly
$10,000 that they didn't have making him well.  My mom and dad are
special people who believe that a child is a child - two legs or four
they have been so supportive to my brother and have given him the best
care they could.  I know bandit that your mom and dad love you as much
as my mom and dad love me and my brothers - keep your carpert sharks
teeth up and know how much your mom and dad love you.  I wish you the
best and I know you are fighting to come back to your mom and dad and
be healthy and happy -= good luck we are saying our prayers for you
Sweet Sam, Max, Age + their mom and dad.
[Posted in FML issue 0231]