Chris, anonymous please.
This is for Katie Fritz, whose little one may have
I hope things turn out well for Bandit, because lymphosarcoma
is one of the leading causes of death in our little guys.
[For sure.  We lost one.  And I believe that there's been
at least 4 others in the ferret mailing list crowd]
I know the heartbreak of having a sick carpet shark well -- we just had
to put down our friend, Rupert. He was old as far as ferrets go,
almost 7 years. We think his kidneys were failing. Back in January,
we had a cyst removed from his tail, and he just never recovered
from that. Back last fall, we had has huge spleen removed, which we
think gave him the extra half-year or so, but I think the lack of
the spleen put extra stress on those kidneys. We miss him terribly
but know he had a happy, long life with us.
You can reach Fara Shimbo, the editor of the Weasel Help Monthly,
at the Information Office of the Ferret Unity & Registration Organiz
ation, PO Box 11216, Boulder, Colo., 80301. Her Compuserve number
is 70260,231.  She is a real advocate of ferrets and knows all about
Rupert and Mitts' Dad
[Posted in FML issue 0229]