I noticed last night that my oldest ferret is looking skinny.  She's had a
half-dollar sized spot between her shoulder blades where the hair is thin and
short (undercoat?) for several months, but she has had such hair losses
periodically from the beginning.  Since neither of the others has the hair
patch problem and Jester doesn't have any other obvious health problems and
the hair problem is definitely seasonal, I've pretty much ignored it.  I just
add the hair thing as a possible connection to the weight loss.  She's always
been thinner than the other two, but she's looking downright skinny now.  I
was thinking that she looks really old (she's 5) but she bounced all over the
place as usual.
They all are due for shots in April, so I thought I'd ask the vet then, but
I thought I might get more and better information from the net and newsletter.
Could this be old age?  One of the cancers (I don't find any lumps anywhere)?
Any information is appreciated.  email me at [log in to unmask]
Also, if anyone from the Rochester area knows of a ferret-intelligent vet
around here, please email me.  The family vet is great, but not a ferret
Thanks, and it's great to be back!
[Posted in FML issue 0238]