GEnie Pet-Net RT
DEFFBAM.MINN [R.S.Sellers]   at 21:41 EST
"club in the Houston area...."
If you need to build a library feel free to contact me and I will help you
with selections from our library.  You may also wish to contact Pam Grant who
has many helpful tips on starting a shelter and one of the AFA representatives
(Sally Heber, Dr. Hoffman, Madeline Lowery, or Chip Gallo).  Among it's many
other activities AFA helps in the forming of new clubs.  I can be reeached at:
                    Randy S. Sellers
                  Strategic Coordinator
                  1935 Wilson Ave.  #102
               St. Paul,  Minnesota   55119
                      (612) 731-2550
I believe the folks here on GEnie PetNet will vouch for me <g>
[Posted in FML issue 0238]