The Massachusetts bill to legalize ferrets is coming before the Natural
Resources Committee this Thursday.  Unlike other years, this year they are
only taking written testimony.  It is important that as many people as
possible write or FAX their support for the bill.
The bill is House Bill 4293 and it is VERY important to stress that you are
supporting the redraft of the bill that Don Tewksbury and Beau Bannerman
are submitting.  We had to write a redraft because a extremely brief and weak
bill was mistakenly submitted by Don.
Right now we have the support of the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and
Wildlife so we stand a good chance with this if lots of support can be
generated.  The info on writing is:
Representative Steven Angelo (he is the committee chairman)
Natural Resources Committee
State House, Room 473F
Boston, MA  02133
FAX: (617) 722-2897
Also, if you are a resident of Massachusetts DO NOT pass up this opportunity
to help yourself.  It is fantastic and very helpful to get letters and FAXes
in from all over the country, but support from within the state is the most
crucial of all!  Those of you in-state can hand deliver your testimony (or
mail/fax it) to room 2A in the state house at 10:30am on Thursday, March 19.
This would make the biggest impression, but anything that you do is a help so
be sure to let the Natural Resources Committee know that you support the
redraft of this bill!!
[Posted in FML issue 0232]