Hi folks,
Heartened by several replies I received to my query on allergies, I have
another question - where can I find a ferret in the RI/Eastern MA area to
test-sniff/cuddle/adore? There don't seem to be many pet shops in the area
that have them. Also, what good sources of info are there (other than, of
course, this really amazing list!) for people who've rarely even met ferrets
and are clueless about all that raising them entails? I want to be sure I can
provide a good home before running out and acquiring one.
I have a car, and would be able to drive to meet a ferret in the Providence -
Boston region.
Thanks again,
[Interestingly enough, apparently some people are allergic to ferrets
but not other animals.  During a long weekend get-together with a group
of friends, for which we brought up our bunch, without any warning,
one of them started getting rather nasty for imposing the ferrets
on her.  Nobody told us...  Supposedly a sensitivity test had shown
the problem.  A sensitivity test may be in order if a visit isn't
[Posted in FML issue 0220]