I guess the only dumb question is the one unasked, so here goes:
I know ferrets can get along well with cats and dogs, but how about a
rather large house rabbit? I also know that ferrets hunt rodents, but
would one be inclined to hunt one as big or bigger than itself? We don't
own either right now, but are trying to plan for the future. We have two
different friends who are trying to find homes for rabbits, and we're
considering taking them; we don't have any pets at the moment and miss
having non-humans around the house. However, we'd very much like to get
a ferret in the future, especially if legalization comes about. So we're
a little flummoxed. Any info you can share about ferrets' cohabitation with
other pets would be great. Thanks -- as always.
(a nom de plume -- wish to remain anonymous as a potential ferret outlaw :-> )
[Just make sure you say anon in your postings so I can strip the From
[Posted in FML issue 0216]