On Sun, 16 Feb 1992 15:04:34 Jack Lawson asks:
>... Can/Do ferrets get colds (sniffle, sniffle, sneeze) ?
Sure can.  I... err... they just went through that recently.  First one
guy got the sniffles, sneezies and runny eyes.  He was very lethargic,
slept lots, sneezed lots and wasn't too playful (with the exception of
an occasional toe nip, which perhaps no ferret can resist?).
Just as he was recovering the other critter came down with it - but took
it considerably worse.  The poor thing hardly ate or drank, slept constantly
(except when she woke up to sneeze) and was surprisingly weak.
Treatment: I dunno.  I gave them both Nutrical, which they accepted.  I think
that helped the one who wasn't eating much quite a bit.  I also let them lick
water from my fingers, which they would do pretty readily even though they
were more or less shunning the water bowl.  I kept a pretty close eye on them,
especially the female who was weak.
Prognosis: They recovered fully in about a week.  Like you hear: get plenty
of rest, lick plenty of fluids, gulp two globs of Nutrical, and call your
vet in the morning.  (No, actually, didn't take them to (or call) the vet,
but had recovery not started when it did, I most definitely would have taken
them to the local critter ER.)
Bill Gruber     Internet: BIGCU at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
   City University of New York Computer Center
[Posted in FML issue 0214]