I happened to be wandering through a pet shop in our local mall and
noticed the cutest little ferret kit advertised as "neutered and
descented" for $129.  She was silver and white; a real cutie.  The
attendent noticed my interest and picked her out of the cage for me to
hold and she promptly started gently nursing on my finger.  I was in love,
but have no room, at present, for another ferret.  The thing that interested
me was that when I examined her belly, I saw no scars from a spaying.  Now,
any neutering done on this ferret had to be pretty recent since she was not
that old.  How are female kits neutered?  I've had only males and have kept
them intact, so I probably don't know much about these things.  Why didn't
I see a scar?  Is the pet shop trying to put something over on us?

BTW, I knew the Sheriff of Nottingham was a nogoodnik as soon as he
suggested that ferrets were too dumb to know how to get to London!  My
fellows could find their ways, anywhere!  ;=)

Len Bliss
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC  USA
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[Posted in FML 0201]