Hi Chris;
Just to bring you up to date.  Dixie died about 2 months ago.  I guess that
you could call the cause of death "6 year old female convience kit, tumors on
the adreanal gland/insulimia syndrome".  Marcy, my s.o., who I happen to be
marrying Saturday, used to be a vet tech and so we had a syringe in the
fridge ready for when it was time.  When Dixie went into convulsions and
started screaming, Marcy put her to sleep.  We probably let it go on longer
then we should have.  Dixie was almost completely bald and slept all but 1/2
an hour a day.  Until we gave her sugar, she wouldn't even be able to move.
The vet had said after her operation that she would probably get better for a
few months and then go down hill.  I plan on getting another ferret early
next year.  Maybe a male this time.  I will try to get one from a reputable
breeder this time or maybe adopt an adult.
The real reason for this message is that I'm getting laid off tomorrow due
to a plant closing so I will need to be taken off the list temporarily.  I
have a new job lined up for when I get back from my honeymoon.  If I can get
net access from the new place, I will drop you a line with my new address.
[Posted in FML 0188]