Still no luck getting Strange and Charm to use their litter box,
they'd rather go next to it, than in it. I don't keep it "clean", and
there's a bit of feces in the corder, but they just won't use it
unless put in there. Sigh. Any suggestions are welcome...
Another problem: Is it usual for two ferrets to play rough enough to
draw blood? Unless I keep bitter apple on Strange's upper back, Charm
will have put big scratch/bite marks on Strange's back... They are
both males, and about 16 weeks old. I'm planning on having them
nuetered between 20-24 weeks. (ie  5-6 months). The smell is getting
to be significant!
[Males of that age (young!) play quite rough.  We saw a pair in a
pet store where one of the males had a small cut on the ear from the
playing.  (We had the pet store separate them).  Both ferrets were otherwise
*very* gentle with people.  I'm not to sure about what they'll be like
when they're older, but two unfixed males during heat are likely to
fight for real.  To an unfixed male, anything other than another
unfixed male is a female.  On the other hand, 5-6 months for spaying
is a little early in our vet's opinion.  Hold off as long as you
can bear.  And don't descent.  Are they spraying during their roughhousing?
If not, they're not fighting.]
On the other hand,
Any thoughts?
[Posted in FML 0179]