Hi-I'd like to be put on the list to receive the 'ferret newsletter. I'm a firs
t time user and have some questions about how best to control some behavior in
a rather dominant male. I'm doing reseacrh and would like to use social interac
tion with a human as a source of reward and punishment (as opposed to more trad
ational items like food and shock). It's been hard for us to find some sort of
social behavior (yelling, handclapping, pinch on the bum) to get the male to st
op engaging in undesirable behavior. I assume there must be some natural social
 signals that ferrets use to 'discipline' each other. I'd like to tap into thos
e natural signaling systems rather than imposing the kinds of feedback humans u
se on each other or in training dogs. Any suggestions about what mightwork woul
d be greatly appreciated.
[Your mailer badly munged your text - it looks as if you tried to type
the whole thing as one line, and your VM machine viciously chopped it
into 80 columns.  Yeah!  Another Canadian!]
[Posted in FML 0168]