In                      Issue number: 159
[Well, there are 107 addresses currently active in the mailing list.
There's probably a few dozen to a few hundred also seeing it on
Compuserve or GEnie.  That's all I know about the subscribers -
I wouldn't even try to guess people's genders from their names
(Your subscription didn't even spell out your first name.  It's just
"B" in the list ;-), and if I tried to figger out locations, it would take
me several days, and miss about 30%.  All I know is that the vast majority
of the subscribers are from the USA, but there are a few in Canada and the
UK, and one from Hawaii]
And at least one from Sweden as well. The Ferret Mailing List is downloaded
onto paper here and sent to local ferret association(s) as well.
(If anyone objects to me doing that, drop me a line, please.)
[Your address on my list doesn't have the .se domain.  No problem
with forwarding.]
My neutered male yawns and says hi, he's with me at work as he has to have
medication 4 times a day (eye infection.. :-()
He's a dark gray (what we call gnome here.. Go look in a picture book if
you can't figure why.. :-)
[Posted in FML 0160]