> From: Barry Brumitt <[log in to unmask]>
> [...stuff deleted...]
> What size cage should I plan on getting? I hope to start  him in the
> cage only, expanding to my room.
I hope this doesn't mean that you aren't going to let him run around
outside of the cage for at least a few hours each day (and hopefully
at least twice a day).  A cage should be large enough to be able to keep
the bedding, the litter box, and the food/water each well apart from the
others.  It should also allow for some romping space when you are not home.
For ferrets, I would not be comfortable using anything with less than
around 4-5 square feet of ferret space.  It was easier for me to let the
bathroom be the ferret's home instead of messing around with cages.
> I may get another one if I feel the
> first is a bit too lonely. Thus, a bigger cage might be a good idea.
Ferret's tend to share space fairly well.  Two or three could still
live in 5-6 sq.ft.  But again, they need their run time outside of the
cage.  If you think you might get a second ferret later, save yourself
some trouble and get two now.  Many only ferrets will not pick up the
social behaviors needed to get along with other ferrets (the voice of
personal experience here).  Get two now and let them grow up with each
other.  They'll be happier and you probably will be too.
> (I plan to buy from a breeder, and get them decented when they are >
> 6mo old, so hopefully he/she'll live longer. I'm still undecided on
> sex, but leaning toward a female since they're smaller.)
Wrong verb!  Get them neutered/spayed at six months old.  I personally
don't think descenting is needed.  The strong persistent odors tend to
driven by hormones which go away after neutering.  If startled, a
neutered/spayed ferret will still "skunk", but unlike a skunk, the odor
will clear within a few minutes.  If you still get them descented, don't
forget to get them fixed.  Descenting is not a substitute for neutering!
> I plan on getting a collar and bell.
Good. Get a cat and put it on the cat!  :-)
Seriously, though, if the ferret doesn't want the collar on, (few do)
it can take it off easily.  If you leash a ferret, you have to use some
form of figure-8 harness to prevent the easy removal of the leash and
attachments by the ferret.  The ferret will be happier if you put the
bell (or a rubber jingle ball) tied inside of an old sock and give it
to him as a toy.
> What is the general concensus on feeding? Cat food, correct?
Specifically, high-protein cat food.  I recommend IAMS or Science Diet.
> (I've ordered the Morton book on Ferrets, so if these issues are
> covered in there, feel free to ignore these questions!)
Fara Shimbo has also written a useful book on ferrets.  I'm not sure
what its current availability is though.  She reads this list {Hi,Fa!}
so you may want to ask her if you're interested.
> Thanks!
> Barry
> future ferret owner.
Mitch Pockrandt  ([log in to unmask])
past ferret owner
[Posted in FML 0159]