I'm planning on getting a ferret in about 3 weeks, and I've gotten
both the Ferret World and Ferret Stuff catalogs.
What size cage should I plan on getting? I hope to start  him in the
cage only, expanding to my room. I may get another one if I feel the
first is a bit too lonely. Thus, a bigger cage might be a good idea.
Are there any good options for cages beyond what is in the FerretStuff
(I plan to buy from a breeder, and get them decented when they are >
6mo old, so hopefully he/she'll live longer. I'm still undecided on
sex, but leaning toward a female since they're smaller.)
[males are more rambunctious and a lot bigger, but in our experience are
a bit gentler with people.]
Should I be using a "ferret shampoo" or will Johnson's Baby Shampoo be
[Johnson's baby shampoo is fine.  The occasional shampoo with a flea
shampoo is also a good idea]
I plan on getting a collar and bell.
What is the general concensus on feeding? Cat food, correct?
(I've ordered the Morton book on Ferrets, so if these issues are
covered in there, feel free to ignore these questions!)
future ferret owner.
[Posted in FML 0158]