I'm a ferret owner wanna-be and have a few questions.  Does anyone know of
a reputable ferret dealer in the heart of Pennsylvania?  I'm willing to
travel abit about the state.  What is a reasonable price for sable ferret,
neutering, and shots?  Just need a ballpark estimate.  I've done a little
reading in the last year and it seems that they would make great pets.  Is
there any particular problems a novice should be aware?  I thought that I
would get a pair to keep each other company while I was at work.  Is there
any more news on the baby-eating ferrets of Borneo?  (Well OK, there are
none, but I thought it might be a cheap ploy to get some traffic started.)
[Get a hold of the book "Ferrets" by Chuck and Fox Morton, published
by Barrons.  That will tell you just about everything you need to know.]
                                Thanks for any info.
                        Wade Reeser
[Posted in FML 0104]