The Adventures of Bob, the Wonder Ferret.
Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear...
Bob, a 14 month old female sable, lives in her own play room
when I am at work unless she is successfull in hiding somewhere
else in the apartment right before I leave...
Bob is trying the Purina Ferret Chow (for "Our Little Friends")
which is supposed to have a higher protein level than Science
Diet (?).  She seems to like it, though she *poos* with increased
volume and frequency.  While less expensive than Science Diet,
she'll probably switch back because of reported health improvement
from this newsletter.  Her health and coat are excellent.  As treats
Bob especially likes artichokes, ice cream, chocolate chips, peanut
butter, yogurt, avocadoes, cran-rasberry juice, and carbonated
beverages (she nearly does backflips when the bubbles get up her
nose, but comes back for more).  She also gets a drop of linatone
after her bath.
Bob has a voracious appetite for socks.  I wear white cotton gym
socks and out *agreement* is that she gets to keep any that she puts
holes in.  She currently has 17 pair and one ski sweater.  This is down
somewhat from her record high since I throw away any socks that are
in tatters.  The socks get placed and constantly rearranged in one
of four dens (laundry room, under my bed, kitchen cupboard, under
the couch).  Collection on wash day can be a chore...
Biting?  Occasional nips to visitors, especially female.  Mostly after
a series of tenderizing licks...  Perhaps I could learn something.
They asked in wonder, "Who was that masked weasel?"
Someone replied in awe, "That was no weasel.  That was Bob, the
Wonder Ferret."
Hi Ho, sniffle, whiffle.
[Posted in FML 0101]