I saw a posting on rec.pets that asked for people's addresses for something
about ferrets.  Exactly what is that?  I'm extremely interested in eventually
getting a ferret or two...would this be of interest to me?  If so, please
include me!
Thanks very much!
[log in to unmask]
[It's a mailing list for people who are interested in ferrets, whether or
not they actually own one.  It's a place to ask about ferret care, feeding,
or simply telling funny ferret stories.  I've put you in]
[Posted in FML 0088]
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1989 11:09:57 -0500 
From: "Debbie Maddix" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: New Member Introduction
Could you please sign me up for your mailing list?
My address is uunet!motcid!ecru!maddix
Debbie Maddix
[Posted in FML 0089]