Rita M. Wendt asks and Chris comments:
>>Any suggestions for litter training these guys outside of the cage?
>Both Wendy and the Morton's suggest confinement *and* persistance.
>We've not been particularly successful either, so I'll let others
>comment - some of our subscribers have their ferrets out 24 hours per day.
>How did *you* handle the litter box problem (or did you? ;<)]
As one of those subscribers that has ferrets out 24 hrs/day, I wanted to give
you the poop (boy, do I).  Our guys are pretty good about using a litter box
provided it is convenient.  We live in a 3 story townhouse with 2 litterboxes
on each of the top and bottom levels.  Like us, ferrets tend to go to the
bathroom shortly after waking.  Since they sleep often, they poop often.  Like
us, they have favorite places to go.  Put a litterbox there, and there, and
there.  Rita should not let them out of the cage immediately upon their
awaking.  Wait until they use the litter box.  The volume is a function of the
quality of their food.  Feed them cat (kitten) food high in animal protein.
Good luck.  We have about a 85% 'hit' rate and tolerate the other 15% as a
relatively small price to pay for their constant company.
Earlier, Amqueue asked about the yellowish stain on her ferrets.  This is
common and can be removed with ferret shampoo available from: RMRS, P.O. Box
5574, Roanoke, VA, 24012.  Write them for their catalog of ferret stuff.
[Posted in FML 0070]