Regarding the report in the last issue regarding the Toronto Humane Society
and Willy the Ferret.
[Capsule:  Willy escaped from home, a local animal shelter picked him up and
turned him over to the Toronto Humane Society.  The day before he was due to
be destroyed, a THS employee adopted him.  Now, the original owners have finally
found what happened to him and are demanding him back, but the THS employee
is refusing - alleging that Willy was abused - for which there appears to be
no evidence - the animal shelter indicates that he was perfectly fine when
they picked him up.  The newspaper picture of Willy before he disappeared
shows him to be *big* albino male, well fed, with a very good looking coat.]
About a week ago, things got out of hand - the THS employee has been getting
anonymous death threats (this is in *all* of the papers), and her boss has
had "Serves you right" scratched onto her car.  Willy's original family has
been camping out on the THS doorsteps.
The family has retained a lawyer.  The lawyer has initiated a lawsuit (for
recovery of Willy) against the THS employee.  Earlier, the lawyer indicated
that he will probably also be suing the THS.  The THS maintains that the
employee was acting as a private citizen when she adopted Willy.
If there's a long delay in the trial, the court will be asked to give custody
of Willy back to his original family while the case goes to court.
[Posted in FML 0061]