Chris, I seemed to have missed issue 56.  Would you please repost?  I sent you
a packet of information via surface mail about a week ago.  It probably
[Done.  Got'em yesterday.]
duplicates information you already have.
[It's interesting stuff.  Some of the letters are missing 2nd pages.
Interesting to see the CDC's comments on Ferrets ("if there's no reason
to believe that the animal has had contact with rabies vectors, and that
the ferret has not been innoculated with a rabies vaccine, there seems
to be no purpose in subjecting the bitten person to the rabies shots"),
and the differing "official" numbers for the total incidence of Ferret
rabies in the US.  Eg: 5.  11 etc.]
Things have quieted down here a bit
but will soon start up as the county is working on a ferret seizure law.  In
the mean time, a local county has quarantined all house cats for 90 days as two
strays that were adopted out of the Prince William animal shelter, bit a total
of 14 people and were found to have rabies.  They are also making up a point of
sale information booklet that says, in essence, that ferrets are dangerous
house pets!  We have our work cut out for us.
[Posted in FML 0058]