        I didn't receive Issue 46.  Could you send another copy.  Also,
as long as I'm on the subject, is there any way I could get the issues
that came out before I found the mailing list...1-38?  Thanks in any case.
I really enjoy receiving the mailing list.  I especially find the
"informative" articles useful in convincing people that ferrets are good
pets and not "demons from hell come to invade our homes and eat our
children" ;-).
[They're on their way]
        One other question as long as I'm writing.  I'm not sure I
understand all the user-ID's that you have for the list and what they're
each for.  I assume that clewis is your personal line...that is it has
no connections to the mailing list.  Now as for ferret-request and ferret-
list...if I have a question for you regarding the mailing list I send it
to ferret-request and if I have a question or subject that is to be included
in the mailing list, I send it to ferret-list?  Please clarify in the
newsletter.  Maybe I'm not the only one with a thick skull :-)  I hope
this is going to the right place...
[This is how the userids in *most* mailing lists are arranged:
        maillistname-request:   for general questions about the mailing list.
        maillistname-list:      for articles for the list.
        Moderator's-userid:     Independent of list.
        ferret-request:         questions about mailing list, subscription
                                requests etc.
        ferret-list:            articles for submission to the list.
        clewis:                 Me.  Use this only as last resort - Eg: some
                                gateways refuse destination names > 8.
                                (Eg: the next item bounced somehow at me
                                for this very reason)
If everyone carefully remembers to do this, when and if the load on this
mailing list goes way up (or I'm on vacation) I can set things up to
automatically forward incoming stuff on ferret-list to go right back
out again.  For the time being I'm digestifying it however.  ]
TTFN, Robbin
[Posted in FML 0048]