Hello!  I have an albino male ferret, named alvin.  He is four years old
and has run of half my apartment.  His cage is now kept in my storage area.
He always uses his litter pan now that I have partioned off the kitchen and
bathroom.  I feel tha tthe key to litter training is limiting the free
roaming area.  Alvin is very playful, but his playfulness is disturbing
to non-ferret people.  As with most ferrets he loves to roll around with
his mouth open, and teeth showing.  Has anyone else had this problem with
strangers?  I have had to lock him in the bedroom when new people are over.
Does anyone else out their have an albino ferret?  I have to wonder if
Alvin is a little blind, he is constantly running into things.
[Ours willsomtimes go into the mock-attack mode with or without
strangers around.  Generally, we warn people about this beforehand, and
have never had any problems.  In spite of the warnings from Alan (above),
our ferrets aren't aggressive, and have never drawn blood.  Little rough
somtimes, but we're careful with strangers first.  Tell 'em to sit in
a chair with their feet up!  The main problem is with people who
subconsciously are shuting "rat!" - teeth or no teeth, there's not a lot
you can do other than keepnig the ferret well away from such people]
Janet L. Crow
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[Posted in FML 0001]