I had thought off and on about ferrets for some years after my sister
brought home several. I never got to know hers. They were whole. Her
hubby was probably dreadful to them. They divorced. He was physically

Anyway, sis said they were cute, but you could get one that used the
litter box most of the time, half of the time, or rarely. You would
not know what you were getting.

I was working out at my club one day when this muscle bound guy who
lifted weights for hours a day asked me out. I had seen him for several
years. But,I had never spoken to him. He was in that manly section of
the club where testosterone, steroids, and sweat probably left puddles.

Though he appeared to be so handsome and well proportioned that ones
heart should beat a little faster, I knew nothing about him.We had
never spoken a word.

So,I cautiously suggested we meet for coffee at the nearby mall. We
met up, he leered at me, showed very bad teeth, and creaped me out.
This was a dangerous moron.

I said I had to go shopping. Goodbye. I dashed out the door. He
followed me around the corner of the indoor mall. Had it been an
outdoor mall, I think I would have been raped.

First store was a pet shop. I was walking down the first isle thinking
I was safe from harm when this man attacked me. Somehow,I pushed him
off, ran up to the owner, and said I want a ferret.

I had seen them in the very front. I did not want a scene, or to be
unable to work out at the club without fear of retribution if I called
the police. Nor could I afford a scandal in the town. There is no smoke
without fire,and that sort of thing.

I went up with the owner, pointed out an animal with tears in my eyes,
and said I wanted it. The owner had his helper..a huge guy..pick out a
large dog cage for the ferret, a large bag of dog food,and heaven knows
what else.

The owner turned to the crazy man and said "You won't be getting any
in my store." And he had the huge man walk me to my car with all this
stuff. The crazy man followed me closely to my car trying to shove the
huge guy aside... It was terrifying.

It turned out, that through a blurr of tears, I had picked out an
unattractive baby girl ferret. She cried and struggled in her sleep,
and utterly melted my heart. I never went back to the club. And my
baby girl went everywhere with me.

She learned to perch on my shoulder dociley. She slept under my sweat
shirt as I wandered the stores, or sat in my purse/carrier at French

We went grocery shopping, the pet store, the movies. I was besotted.
That was a life time ago.

[Posted in FML 8171]