The only thing that happened to me that was kinda like what you
describe is my girl Clementine who had insulinoma and was around 6 yrs
old, one night she fell over on her side in her cage and couldn't right
herself and couldn't open her eyes. She could still hear and even took
food from a syringe from me. It was night and had to wait til AM to see
vet first thing (ER vet would've had no clue)...

my ferret vet it was something similar to a stroke, which can sometime
be a complication of insulinoma and I had to help her pass. It was very
sad. I stayed up all night in bed with her on a pillow, propped up with
towels, talking and petting her the whole night so she knew she was
safe. It broke my heart. This was a couple years ago. I hope a better
outcome for your fert...and I'm sorry if this info scares you, but
figured you'd want to know.

Hoping for the best,
Holly & Tesla (fert), Hershey (dog), Bindi & Moo (cats)

[Posted in FML 8162]