Oddly the one I liked most, ended up to leave a really dark shadow
over "ferretdom". I loved Along Came Polly. It was the first time I saw
a ferret in a movie where it was totally up to date on how a ferret
should be raised. Icing on the cake was it "kind of" a rescue too. The
ferret was aloud full roam of the house, it went out on walks on leash
with her through the city too. It was so cool. And she acted like it
was SO normal and like everyone else wasn't for not thinking so. It was
awesome. Until. Yeah, Jennifer Aniston, sweat heart of Hollywood, said
some not so nice things about her experience. And then of course Ben
Stiller, who I always thought was super funny, REALLY said something
nasty. I can't remember everything that happened. I could search my
brain. But I do not WANT to remember what happened. Anyway, then Ben
Stiller "made up" with ferrets on a talk show. Apologized to us. But
the thing was, it didnt seem genuine, it was mockery. It pissed me
off. As so many here.

It was a cute movie. The ferret parts were great!!! Why do people have
to turn fun things around so they are ugly? :/


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