I think I have posted about choking ferrets before. Today I was
reminded yet again about the importance of knowing what to do if
your ferret is choking.

Today our youngest ferret presented with what seemed like a vomiting
episode. As I was watching her close (as I always do if I hear
vomiting) I noticed she was starting to wheeze and look faint in
between retching.

As soon as I recognized it was something that must be lodged deep in
her throat I held her along her stomach, flipped her so her nose is
pointed towards the floor/tail towards the ceiling, and have her 5
good pats on the back. As soon as I set her down afterwards she looked
up at me alert, responsive, breathing fine and acting like she didn't
just scare the bejesus out of me.

If anyone has any other methods of dealing with choking ferrets, please
share. Additionally, if anyone has any resources on animal CPR (small
animal, cat, or dog) I would love to learn more about that as well.

Take care,
Andrea Moncada

[Posted in FML 8179]