Hi everyone, 

I'm currently writing a series called Animal Champions for
SmallAnimalChannel.com. I am looking for people to write about who have
benefited animals in one way or another. Anyone can be a champion. A
rabbit that inspired a special needs shelter to be built, a fireman
who rescues a ferret, an inventor, etc. It can be a one time deed, it
doesn't always have to be ongoing or anything "big". I am looking for
stories involving small mammal pets such as ferrets, guinea pigs, mice,
rats, gerbils, chinchillas, hamsters, rabbits, short tailed opossums,
fennec fox, and so on.

I hope many of you can contribute some ideas. The news needs GOOD and
constructive news, which is exactly what I5 Publications who publishes
most of your pet magazines in your local pet stores and who owns many
valuable web sites does. We all complain that there are unsung heroes
and positive stories are not represented out there as they should.
Let's change that.

(write me at [log in to unmask])

Visit the Small Animal Channel and Ferrets Magazine!

Small Animal Champions:

About me:

Sean and Rocky:

[Posted in FML 8161]