Mukluk was watching TV when the special show on D-Day came on. He
thought it was Dook day but as the show progressed he became irritated
when there was nothing about dooks. But then as the show progressed it
came to him the massive event that took place that changed the world
for all time and the massive sacrifice so many men and women made for
all mankind. As the show progressed it began to set in to Mukluk what
a massive human event this was and the toll that was exacted to make
it all happen. Mukluk stood up on his hind legs, trembled as he saluted
to those men on TV. The tear that came down his cheek was real. As he
retracted his salute he let out a long baritone DOOK in honor of what
was done.

Beyond question, you have to love a ferret !!!!!!!

_12-2Addy CEO

[Posted in FML 8125]