These past couple mornings have been perfect cool weather breaking the
horrid head and for sure Mukluk has enjoyed these cooler temps no end.
In the morning he leaps on my bed and pesters me jumping off the bed
but only seconds later he appears again at another spot on the bed over
and over till I get up. Then he becomes an ankle biter till I take the
block down from the door and he runs like a banshee down the hall. He
just races from point to point non stop just a blur in his racing
about. When I get to where he is he instantly goes into the wildest
war dance imanageable. He flips, rolls over and over and swings around
stubbing his head on the door jamb or what ever is there over and over.
This act is a ton of fun to watch. I just wish he had a wi fi so I
could see what he was thinking thru all this. The dooks come out in
abundance so for sure he is very happy.

I open the bottom door of his cage and eventually he will run to get
inside where I close the door thus ending the spree. You can't help
but love a ferret !!!

I mowed the lawn yesterday and pass by the spot where so many of my
ferret friends are buried. It brings back so many fantastic memories
and I can only thank each and every one of those little creatures for
bringing such wonderful feelings to my life.

_12-2Addy CEO

[Posted in FML 8139]