I do not mean dysfunctional.

Pivot is on a long term stretch of Baytril now and the infection is
responding well. (Culture and antibiotic challenges were done after
expressing by the vet so the best choice for her infection were found.)

She now has no swelling noticeable on the outside by sight or very
gentle touch, and for several days no longer is losing pus when
compresses are used, plus has lost that pus smell. There no longer
is redness, and no prolapse. Her activity level is good.

Pivot is in her 6th year and otherwise perfectly healthy and an active
girl for her age, though not as much as before the infection.

Yet, she is not poofing. Pivot is someone who almost always has poofed
multiple times a day through her life, though in the last year it is
usually only twice a day, sometimes less.

There is no indication of fistula or abscess.

No scent of musk.

Has anyone seen an infection itself destroy the ability of scent glands
to function?

[Posted in FML 8137]