I live in Florida and have used Diatomaceous Earth (DE) on many
ferrets. The best thing about the food grade DE is that it can be used
as a carpet dust or in bedding. It's safe - BUT - the DE dust will tend
to dry out skin. I start by washing my ferrets with dish soap (Dawn),
rinse well, let dry. I dust the area with DE. I usually wait a day or
two to use the DE on the ferrets. Wet DE is uselss. I got the DE online
through Amazon, but many natural food stores have it because some
people use it internally. Long story - check out the info online. It
has a ton of uses and I also share it with others, so we get a big bag.
Remember, it's a talc-like dust - so be careful of eyes and nose areas.

[Posted in FML 8111]