Believe it or not, others have heard of this book too! Years ago I was
the lucky recipient of a copy of Ferret Island, given to me by noted
scholar/author Barbara Bader, and it was a 'fun read." Here's a link
to the library catalog for people who would like to know more Ferret

Ferret Island | The Seattle Public Library | BiblioCom... Ferret Island
(Book) : Jennings, Richard W. : Stranded on an island in the middle of
the Mississippi River, fourteen-year-old Will Finn discovers... View
on seattle.bibliocommo... Preview by Yahoo
[Sorry, that's how the post came in... no discernible link. BIG]

Kate (currently-owned by "Michaela," a.k.a "Mickey," who is a
sweet-and-spunky tiny champagne-colored ferret princess missing her
late brother "George," a.k.a. "Zorro," who was a dark-and-dashing
handsome sable ferret prince)

"May all your ferret tales end 'happily ever after.'"

[Posted in FML 8111]