My Snow has insulinoma, is on pred, also has a Superlorin F implant and
has terrible diarrhea. Tested for coccidia, etc. Nothing. Treated with
various meds but makes no difference. She is old so also forgets where
to poop as does her room mate Boomer, who also has loose stools at
times. Boomer has cancer and has insulinoma. Each day with Boomer is a
gift and I wonder if I should let him go but he loves his soup and his
friends. He gets at least 2 butt washes a day and both he and Snow who
share a cage but not sleeping spaces get SEVERAL bedding changes a
day.....such is life with the "oldies". And I have always loved the

Nancy and her 11 in OR, doing her third load of ferret bedding today

[Posted in FML 8110]