Someone emailed me today asking about Jeep. I had posted about a year
ago about the loss of Jeep. He was about a year and a half old and had
something that just grabbed him in side. I have no idea what it was and
it all happened very fast. He just got quiet one day and lay on his
belly in the cage next to the hidy hole and died. I never did figure
out why. He was buried along with the rest of the crew.

Is always a very sad day when you lose a ferret. They each become part
of the family each in their own way. Most of the ferrets I have had
were rescues, they don't have a long life anyway but being in another
home they had far less time with me than if I got them as a kit. At
least here they had a good warm home with lots of 'out' time, good food
and lots of love. I don't regret a single second of any of it less the
short time they had with me. I can only wish they all were still here,
each and every one. Ha! That would be a mad house with all that fur
racing about.

The one I miss the very most was my very first fuzz butt, Byte-Me. That
little animal and I could 'talk' to each other and did that all the
time. For sure there was a trust between us that was far more than
usual. In fact it was phenomenal how the two of us could communicate.
But that all came to a very natural end one day and it was over. Almost
that is, She still is with me every day. I have her picture hanging on
the wall in front of me and is the very best photo of a pet I have ever
taken. Was totally by chance I got that shot but it was the most
perfect shot one could imagine and it is here to remind me every day of
a bond between man and beast that was honored and cherished by both of
us. Life goes on. Dook.

_12-2Addy CEO

[Posted in FML 8101]