TO:   Ferret Liberation Organization (FLO)
 FROM: Special Ops Remmie
 RE:   Visit to Infirmary for Loose Stools

Salute! (I can see you through the monitor/Smart Phone/iPad)

Comrades in Arms:

The Chief Operating Officer, MOM (Miter of Mollify ~ look it up),
would like to convey a "Thank You" to all that provided intel on my
diarrhea/bad potty. Our primary outpost veterinarian received said
electronic information and wrote the comment "lots of mixed advice
and recommendations and attitudes." (He, he.)

We geared up and traveled to said outpost and agreed/disagreed/debated
protocol for my butt issue, um, err, that would be MOM's sciatica.
Focus! So, the resulting situation was:

Fecal (floatation) - Negative
No bloodwork at this time as it could be inconclusive. (Pick and
choose your battles.)
Metronidazole / Flagyl - To be considered. (Not likely per MOM as she
doesn't like wearing it.)

Switch off Prednisolone to Dexamethasone as doc has had good results
with   stool issues.
Start Amoxicillin for my mouth ulcers.
Start Sucralfate for possible stomach ulcers. * (see note below)

I had bad poop in the Humvee (there and back), infirmary, and when
we arrived back at the compound. (At least I was eating.) MOM served
amoxi, dex, and soup. Next day at my favorite potty latrine NEXT to
the paper at the front door... wait for it ... an almost normal poop!
MOM stood holding it (tissue) for a good 30 seconds, amazed.

* MOM has not started administrating Sucralfate because my stools are
back to normal.

Since we were on maneuvers, Private Silver had a dental cleaning and
tooth extraction. She is receiving a concession of soup and amoxi too.

Recruits: Special request. If we have to listen to a CD of M5 for a
total of a five hour drive again, we will go AWOL, so find MOM another
band to recon.

Our vet really liked MOM's "Animal Information Form" that was updated
and provided before exam. All operatives should have this in their
required file folder for their doctor, pet sitter, emergency situation.
(Contact MOM for a MS Word formatted template.)

Salute! Special Ops Remmie


[Posted in FML 8095]