Hello to all.

It snowed again yesterday...Uggg. But it has been awhile since I have
been on this list, and it was wonderful to find the FML once again on
my computer as I look out on the snow covering my car...Once Again..
I retired about a year ago. And I have spent these months recovering
from another surgery and updating my tiny ferret friendly home.

I am now cream colored porcelain tiled throughout my home with washable
throw rugs. I have a new bathroom with copper sparkle thingies in the
counter top. (Such things drive me wild happy inside.)My home has been
repainted. The last of my new weird modern furniture is coming sometime
tomorrow. I have spent hours looking at gorgeous furniture online while
recovering from surgery. But I found this place that has an overstock
of modern funky functional furniture that took my breath away. Gasp.

I will save putting in the new cream colored doors (I have a dream) for
after the last of the ferrets I take in has passed.

So now, I have joined a board. I am looking into volunteer work. I have
helped out my sister with multiple issues that my arthritic body can
handle, and only thrown up on her once.. And today....I read this on
the FML:

> www.dogsondeployment.org
>There are soldiers all over the US who need help with their animals
>when they are deployed. I figured the ferret community could step up
>to help.

And I signed up. You can chose the amount of time that you want to
foster. So if you are only able to help for 2 months...you click on
that option. I have been wanting to help our soldiers and their
families. And here is a wonderful, meaningful way that one can be
of assistance.

What perfect timing to open my FML.


[Posted in FML 8089]