I sent off an e-mail to the Zoo Educators. If you would care to do the
same, here is their address.
[log in to unmask]

After encouraging removal of the wood shavings, (with an explanantion
as to their harmfulness) I pointed out that there is little truth to
the idea that should these ferrets escape to the wild (even tho they
also tell us ferrets have been domesticated for 2,000 years or so) they
will destroy the ecological and environmental balance if they were to

By the time this guy got done talking about the havoc they would reap,
I had visions of ferrets taking down large deer and Buffalo. Are there
Buffalo in Hawaii?

I also spent a summer at a zoo working with exotic birds like Zazu in
the Lion King, a King Vulture, an emotionally traumatized African Gray
and a crazy cockatiel. Stupidy must have been the key requirement for
the person hired to run this summer program - which never did get off
the ground. It's failure was due to the lack of understanding that
these "hand me down birds" _ the Zoo got hem free because they had
been neglected, kept them in a room that echoed many loud noises which
simply increased thier issues and tried to put them in a public program
when the weather was not suitable or safe for their proper enviromental
conditons. So, when the guy says, we here at the Zoo are trained to
take care of the animals.....it does not immediately fill me iwth
comfort. Trained, does not always mean trained well or trained with
accurate information as we see here.

I think a few nice educational e-mails from the ferret community might
open their eyes. Or at least encourage then to change their wood
shavings to something healthier.

Today is the best day to do a good deed.

Feed rescued animals in two clicks

[Posted in FML 8063]