I 'met' a very nice woman from the FML today. We had an excellent
conversation by phone. For sure she very much loves her critters and
takes the very best care of them as I do mine. We both become very
attached to our fuzzy kids and don't spare the horse power to take
care of them. We both have taken in some rescues over time and saved
some from some horrid situations.

The FML is a great avenue for other things besides carpet sharks. Is
comforting to know others also are attuned to the love of a ferret as I
am. Have had them in my house for several decades but am still learning
about them. Mukluk has a strange way of telling me things but I am
getting to know his communication 'words'. He is a great little buy to
snuggle with and the feeling must be mutual where he seeks me out every
night and comes to me when I call for him.

Gordon and Mukluk.

_12-2Addy CEO

[Posted in FML 8061]