Yesterday I posted about an article about a sad incident involving an
infant left unsupervised with a ferret and the child being "attacked"
by said ferret. The article and title are reckless and irresponsible.
I'm so tired of these papers and their sensationalism regarding "ferret
attacks" and "ferrets eating babies". Must be nice to have a cushy job
writing for a paper and not have to take five minutes of your time
to call a ferret shelter or expert to ask about this or to get more
details and get the facts straight. The titles and articles have it
so that when you Google ferrets, bites, etc, articles about ferrets
eating babies etc come up. Now can it happen? Oh hell yes, a mouse
can get to "eating a baby" under the right circumstances. But these
stories usually contain a lot of false information about the cases
and misinformation about ferrets in general. The recants are never
published when ferrets are exonerated (which they usually are). Worst
of all nobody seems to give some word space to advise readers to never
allow an infant to be left unsupervised with anything having teeth!
They don't advise about animal neglect adding to this, previous
injuries on a baby triggering something, old food not cleaned off the
baby well triggering things, or the fact ........... that it takes a
long time for a ferret to do more than a couple/few bites let alone
damage. Meaning .... a baby obviously sounded off blood curdling
screams for a long period of time before being discovered. I don't
know about you, but I can often hear a baby crying all the way out
on a street from a house when I am walking.

It just ticks me off because as I said, must be nice to have a job
like that and to also sleep at night not worrying about who you've
hurt with your written words.


Visit the Small Animal Channel and Ferrets Magazine!

Sean and Rocky:

[Posted in FML 8076]