When I Hold a Ferret

When I hold a ferret, I just can't resist
giving that ferret a big, loving kiss.
Then there's another, 2, 3, maybe 4
I just cannot stop so I kiss him some more!

When I hold a ferret my heart fills with love
my soul seems to fly on the wings of a dove.
My eyes start to twinkle like his always do
and I have to tell him, sweet fert, I love you.

When I hold a ferret my troubles abide
even when his little teeth pierce my hide.
There's nothing on Earth like a warm fuzzy one
to brighten my day like the bright morning sun.

When I hold a ferret my world fills with peace
I've feelings of joy, and so many like these.
These feelings of calm teach me just "grin and bear it"
My life is made better, when I hold a ferret.

S. Pyron

[Posted in FML 8039]