That magazine began after Mary and Eric met so many ferret people
through the FML! There are so many things that people think of as
ferret charitable or information institutions, and established ferret
products or businesses (even some which had long hauls and finally went
away or were sold) which began on, through, or because of the FML.

Hmmm, I am on the wrong computer to check but if I had to estimate
offhand I'd guess that last December the FML turned something like 28

[First FML issue was Dec 21, 1987, so more like 26+ years now. BIG]

[Posted in FML 8054]

Topics of the day:

  1. Beechnut
  2. Zupreme Grain Free Ferret Food
  3. this is one GIANT ferret head
  4. On the stupid things people have learned as newbies
  5. Mukluk's defeat

                          The Ferret Mailing List

Issue number: 8055                   Date: 28 Feb 2014
Circulation:  2275                   Moderator: Bill Gruber

Messages pertaining to the FML should be sent to:

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  subscriptions, questions, problems, etc.:
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Except where clearly indicated by Moderator's notes, all articles posted
in this forum appear exactly as written by their authors.  They may have
been reformatted without wording changes.  The accuracy, or lack of
accuracy, of any post is the responsibility of the post's author.

Emergency e-mail list contact information:
Bill Gruber, PO Box 6179, New York, NY 10150  Tel: +1 607.821.2500

All posts copyright by the poster. Compilation copyrights for the FML apply.


Date:    Wed, 26 Feb 2014 22:39:00 -0800
From:    MC <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Beechnut

>Has anyone else been having trouble finding Beechnut chicken baby
>food? I travel 30 to 45 minutes to the next town to buy it. Both
>grocery stores here in town no longer (or never did) carry it. carries it, for a decent price too!



[Posted in FML 8055]