Has anyone else been having trouble finding Beechnut chicken baby food?
I travel 30 to 45 minutes to the next town to buy it. Both grocery
stores here in town no longer (or never did) carry it. Small town of
3500 people so choices are limited. We don't have any department
stores. If I want to buy a towel and facecloth I have to travel too.
Any ways, I refuse to buy Gerber because it contains corn and Beechnut
is just chicken in broth. I also like their rice cereal better. I use
both in the furkids' soup. Anyone ever had success ordering it online?
WAL*MART is 45 minutes away and they put it on the bottom shelf.....
I actually have to get on the floor to reach way back and get it
all....not easy for a 63 yr old lady....besides looking ridiculous and
an easy target for someone coming around the corner and not looking
where they are going! Just wondering...

Nancy and her 11 in OR who should just cook chicken and make it
herself but.....

[Posted in FML 8054]