I was just cleaning my furkids teeth, and figured it would be a good
time to remind everyone how important it is to do the furkids teeth
like we do ours. Years ago, someone recommended this product for teeth
cleaning, and I've found it simple to use. I take the cap and put some
solution in it, put two Q-Tip in, rotate, and put in the other side,
then I'm ready for my first ferret. It is easier to clean with two, and
you get more solution which means some of it drips into their mouths
which helps too. Just gently rub at an angle the Q-tips on one side,
rotate, and rub on the other side with the clean side of the Q-tips.
Done ... throw away, put more Q-tips into the cap, and get another

I've never tried their human products but the liquid solution has
always worked well for me. Here is the link:


[Posted in FML 8007]