My husband is an engineer. He is going to be having foot surgery the
middle of Jan and will be laid up for a little while. I'm giving him
a project to keep him busy. He has made some ferret wheelchairs in
the past out of various materials. Where he works has a 3-D printer. I
want him to design a ferret wheelchair so it can be printed out on the
printer. What would help him to do this is if everyone who has a ferret
wheelchair, no matter what kind of design, if you could email some
photos of it from various angles. This would help him narrow down the
design process so he wouldn't have to re-invent the wheel, so to speak.
He could combine aspects from the different photos. Let us know what
worked well and what not so much from your chairs. I don't know what
he'll come up with but it should be interesting.

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[Posted in FML 8011]