Denise's Delightful Dookers Ferret Rescue...including 74 ferrets,
13 "dook squad" humans (volunteers), and myself THANK EACH AND
EVERY SANTA (I hope you all got the Thank You Certificate).

Thanks to your generosity, the fuzzies will be warm, content,
emotionally challenged with the toys, bellies full, vet visits will
take place quicker and lots of pellets for the potty boxes. (And I
thank you for your kindness in giving momma ferret gifts too) You
all were so very generous.

Because of you we were able to get extra medicine to have on hand for
the fuzzies and it has helped already. We are on an even keel right now
and they are getting much needed meds, and soup.

As many of you know ... working with those with serious health issues,
emotional issues and hospice is hardest when they pass...but rewarding
as all get out as we take care of them with the provisions provided by
loving, caring people.

Thank you again!!

Oodles of ferret kisses Denise Cummings Denise's Delightful Dookers
Ferret Rescue & Shelter 253-797-9115 Shelter

[Posted in FML 8006]