
On ferrets specifically:



A recent study using ferret tissue for MERS-CoV has me wondering
if ferrets might not be inclined to be a host species for that but
honestly this is outside my scope so need people with stronger related
backgrounds to say more so have asked one I know I can trust on this

J Virol. 2013 Nov 20. [Epub ahead of print]
Adenosine Deaminase Acts as a Natural Antagonist for Dipeptidyl
Peptidase 4 Mediated Entry of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome

Raj VS, Smits SL, Provacia LB, van den Brand JM, Wiersma L, Ouwendijk
WJ, Bestebroer TM, Spronken MI, van Amerongen G, Rottier PJ, Fouchier
RA, Bosch BJ, Osterhaus AD, Haagmans BL.

Department of Viroscience, Erasmus Medical Center, 3000 CA Rotterdam,
the Netherlands.

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) replicates in
cells of different species using dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) as a
functional receptor. Here we show resistance of ferrets to MERS-CoV
infection and inability of ferret DDP4 to bind MERS-CoV. Site-directed
mutagenesis of amino acids variable in ferret DPP4 thus revealed the
functional human DPP4 virus binding site. Adenosine deaminase (ADA), a
DPP4 binding protein, competed for virus binding, acting as a natural
antagonist for MERS-CoV infection.
PMID: 24257613 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

The current reports on MERS-CoV through ProMed
have bats as the possible origin species with likely at least one
intermediary species. Camels have been implicated as getting it due
to very recently done viral genetic comparisons from camel saliva in
a specific farm with ill people having matches to the virus in the
infected people, BUT whether they infected people, people infected
them, or something else transmitted this specific coronavirus to both
is not yet known. Also, there have been people who did not interact
with camels infected in the Middle East where this disease is emerging,
but the work is just beginning into camel bodily wastes and if there
might be uses of biproducts from camel slaughter for hide which might
pose risk factors. (Pers. Coms. recently w one of the epidemiologists

Because there are many coronavirii the general test does NOT say which
coronavirus the animal has, so the genetic testing is needed to know
for certain. That has led to confusion with some ferrets who have
systemic ferret coronavirus that presents like FIP. In fact, that even
has caused some problems with some of the early SARS research when
test ferrets erupted with the symptoms of ECE without the researchers
realizing -- at first -- that ferrets have their own coronavirus and
that -- opps -- they had ferrets with ECE. (Ferrets can get SARS as can
dogs and cats, but some of the more extreme statements did not have

[A later P.S.]
It hits me that I perhaps mis"spoke". The secretions sampled from
those camels were NASAL SWABS. Saliva is among the bodily secretions
and waste still to be finished testing or begun testing. Apologies. I
think that I might have written "saliva".

Sukie (not a vet) Ferrets make the world a game.

Recommended ferret health links:
all ferret topics:

"All hail the procrastinators for they shall rule the world tomorrow."
(2010, Steve Crandall)

A nation is as free as the least within it.

[Posted in FML 7982]