Dear Diane,

Hobbes delivered a very interesting scroll today. It was full of bite
marks - many, many bite marks. So many that if I had one of those old
fashioned music boxes that took those disc's that had holes punched
in them to create a beautiful melody, I'm sure that scroll would have
played the theme from "Jaws".

Farrah was a biter, the scroll said it all. My first thought was
finding my sister Mischa, another unreformed, die-hard biter that my
mum loved simply because she was such a biter and a brat. She use to
have to wear three pairs of dad's sock's just to go into our ferret
room, and even with three pairs, she described removing Mischa from
her ankle as "Peeling off fuzzy Velcro."

I'm guessing by the condition of Farrah's scroll, she's fuzzy Velcro

I decided that since I didn't see any other fuzzies listed as family
on her scroll, that I would bring Mischa with me to greet Farrah, and
I found her in her usual place - "The Tube & Tunnel Room" - It is, by
and far, the biggest room filled with every make, and manner of tube,
tunnel, and hose you could imagine, and it's her favourite place to
hang and play.

She was more then happy to come along with me, after all a newly
arriving biter needs a sponsor right?

The walk to the Bridge was very pleasant and gave Mischa and I a chance
to catch up with one and another. She's a busy fuzzy-gal, and is always
around to help those who arrive that have certain quirks and issues
they need to overcome, or at the very least understand why they had
them in the first place.

March here was lush and green, and I could smell jasmine everywhere,
and the closer we got to the Bridge, the sweeter the smell. When at
last we came into the clearing. It acts as a waiting place for those of
us who are Greeters. As we stood there, we could hear someone quietly
talking to Farrah, telling her it was okay, that things were going to
be just fine, and just how much she was loved and would be missed. I'm
going to guess that was you.

Nothing means more to us then knowing you are near when we are ready to
move on, and that you had a big enough heart to allow Farrah to come to
the Rainbow Bridge before things got really bad for her. Only
unconditional love can do that.

As I was listening to your last goodbye t Farrah, I could hear her
say the same to you, and I could hear, and eventually see her blowing
little, tiny kisses your way as she finally made it to our side of the
Bridge. Mischa and I stood there and waited until she was ready to step
off the Bridge and into the clearing, and then we hugged her, told her
she was going to be in good hands, just like her mom had promised her.

To this day Mischa and Farrah remain very close, and they spend many
exciting hours exploring the Tube & Tunnel Room, and she has yet to
nibble a single soul. When I asked her why, she told me she wanted
to be able to remember the last person she bit, because that was the
person she loved the most.

In Love & In Comfort,
Pie O' Pah

[Posted in FML 7981]